
Here are some of my favorite books, links, and lists. These have all helped me in one way or another, and were valuable in overcoming my own punitive and shame-based upbringing to parent with Grace.


The Discipline Book by Dr. Sears

anything by Dr. William Sears and his wife, Martha. They raised 7 kids- they have to know something! If you must have a Christian doctor to back up your discipline choices- pick him!

The No-Cry Sleep Solution -babies by Elizabeth Pantley

TNCSS- toddlers/preschoolers 

Biblical Parenting by Pastor Crystal Lutton

this is one amazing lady!

Families Where Grace Is In Place By Jeff VanVonderen

do you want to challenge your understanding of God and Mercy? This is a book you MUST read.

The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene, PhD.

need a psychologist to give you permission to raise your child the way you know is best for him? This is your guy.

Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend 

Think you’re emotionally healthy? read this and find out. go ahead, I dare you.


AOLFF  Pastor Lutton’s site- need an answer for the ‘spare the rod’ verse? look here.

Hermana Linda’s site speaks out against the teachings of the Pearls.

The Drs. Sears’ site  common sense, level headed advice on everything from discipline to vaccines. When the going gets rough…go here.

Breastfeeding Made Simple simply the most clearly written book about parenting a newborn ever written. having problems with nursing? Visit this site.

Dulce de Leche – Another clearheaded bloggin’ Momma. Visit, and be impressed at her sound and practical topics.

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